Friday, April 23, 2010

I Can!!!!

With the EOGs coming up, we tend to get nervous. Our school has been working on our "I can" statements to build our confidence. We know that we can do SO many things when we stop to think about it. Think of your favorite "I can" statement and write it under the comments section. Lets see all of the things we CAN DO!


  1. I can pass the EOG test.
    I can take a break on the reading test.
    I can look for main idea,seguencing,compare,and contrast.
    I can show my work on the eog.

  2. The best one i picked was i can take a bunch of imformation and i can make all of that imformation in to the main idea.

  3. i can use my stragties i can make miss.crider proud of me. i know i can do the best bset job i ever did i can lable the main idea

  4. my fravort i can is.
    I can do mathmatics , science , reading.
    I can do main idea , strategies ,comper and contrast plus sequensing.
    I can do my own work. I can fockes on my wok not around me.
    i can try my best on the EOG.

  5. i can listein more and do my home more also make up time by reading a book and inprove my grades on math alot more i can inprove on my hand writing and my B E A R S and i hope i can PASS THAT EOG!!!!!
